- https://answers.launchpad.net/awn/+question/11608
- http://wiki.awn-project.org/InstallingFromSource#Instructions
Instalar previamente estas librerías:
- python-dev
- python-gtk-dev
- python-cairo-dev
- python-gconf
- python-gnome2-dev
- python-gnome2-desktop
to check if there's some news and then:
#first of all you need bazaar i can't remember the name of the package right now but i'm sure you'll get by yoursel, or searching here in lounchpad
#install dependency
sudo apt-get install build-essential automake1.9 autotools-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libgnome2-common libgnome2-dev libgnome-
#get files from launchpad bazaar
cd ~
bzr branch http://
#configure, compile, and the install as super user
cd awn-curves
./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install
#resolve library dependencies
sudo ldconfig
#if you want extra applets... and i'm shure you want, do:
cd ~
mkdir awn-extras
cd awn-extras
bzr branch http://
cd trunk/awn-
./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install
that's all
cd trunk/awn-
./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install
ah i think is worted to mention how to uninstal if you used bazar:
cd ~/awn-curves
sudo make uninstall
cd ~/awn-extras/
sudo make uninstall
#and if you want to remove the sources do:
cd ~
rm -Rf awn-curves
rm -Rf awn-extras
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