miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Ubuntu: imágenes UIF

  • http://onubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/11/dealing-with-uif-files.html
Cito la referencia:

Just got my hands on a CD image in UIF format. Why can't people just use standard formats? Oh well, no matter. Thanks to Wine & MagicISO, I can still get what I want :-D

First, install the wine package that's available from the repositories:

~$ sudo apt-get install wine

Next, get MagicISO installer from the site and install it using wine

~$ wine Setup_MagicISO.exe

Finally, double click the newly created icon on your desktop to startup MagicISO. Go to Tools->Decompress UIF image... and choose the UIF file in question for source. MagicISO automatically suggests a name for destination. I went with it but you can change it if you want.

Click on the button that says decompress, then just wait for the operation to finish. You now have a nice standard ISO file that you can burn onto CD.

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