jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2007

Azureus: se cierra inesperadamente en Ubuntu

Si azureus se cierra inesperadamente en Ubuntu, seguir las instrucciones propuestas en la siguiente referencia:

  • http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219369&page=3

Cito a Solución propuesta en la referencia:

This worked for me, let see if this is useful for anyone else, as mini How-To:

1.Install azureus from the synaptics packages (this will ensure a tidy installation, with correct directories and entries).
2.Download the latest azureus release from http://azureus.sourceforge.net/download.php, it should be a tar.bz file.
3.Open the tar.baz file with file roller, extract the contents to a temporary directory (there is just one archived directory: /azureus
4.Make a backup copy of the Azureus2.jar (just in case!):
$ sudo cp /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar_backup
5.Copy the new azureus jar file to that destination, from your temporary directory. This will update your main application file:
$ cd /temporarydirectory/azureus
$ sudo cp -rv Azureus2.jar /usr/share/java/
6.Copy the complete content of the /azureus directory (from the temporary location) to .azureus directory in your home. This will complete the azureus installation, because there are some libraries azureus need to run properly and update in the future. You can use the file manager (nautilus) to do that, because you don't need root privilegies to copy to the .azureus dir in your home. (If you cannot see the .azureus dir, press Ctrl+H in the file manager to reveal hidden files)


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